popular software development methodologies

5 Popular Software Development Methodologies Explained

Successful software projects are carefully managed. To manage a project properly, the management or development team must select the software development methodologies (techniques) that are most appropriate for the project at hand. All techniques have various strengths and drawbacks, and they exist for varying reasons.

We’ll look at five prominent software development techniques, their fundamental characteristics, and when they’re appropriate. Companies such as Techovarya, a Custom Software Development Services provider, use these approaches to create customized solutions for their clients.

5 Top Software Development Methodologies

1. Agile development methodology

When adding new features, teams use an agile development method to mitigate the risks (such as mistakes, cost overruns, and changing needs). In all agile techniques, teams create software in iterations that include tiny increments of new features. Agile development has numerous forms, including scrum, crystal, extreme programming (XP), and feature-driven development (FDD).

Key Features:

  • Iterative and incremental development
  • Cross-functional self-organizing teams
  • Frequent delivery of working software
  • Continuous feedback and adaptation

Agile development approaches are comparable to quick application development (see below) but can be inefficient in large businesses. Programmers, managers, and organizations used to the waterfall process (see below) may find it challenging to transition to an agile SDLC. As a result, they frequently find that a hybrid strategy is beneficial.

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Advantage: Frequent delivery of working software and continuous feedback allow for early detection and correction of issues.

Disadvantage: Can be inefficient for large, complex projects with well-defined requirements.

2. Waterfall development methodology

The waterfall technique is often regarded as the most conventional approach to software development. The waterfall technique is a rigorous linear model with successive phases (requirements, design, implementation, verification, and maintenance) aimed at specific goals. Before proceeding to the following phase, each phase must be completed completely. There is typically no method for going back to change the project or direction.

Key Features:

  • Structured and well-defined phases
  • Emphasis on thorough planning and documentation
  • Strict adherence to predefined requirements
  • Limited flexibility for changes once a phase is completed

Advantage: Structured and well-defined phases allow for more extensive planning and documentation.

Disadvantage: The completion of a phase limits the ability to make adjustments, which is problematic if requirements alter.

3. Scrum Software Development Methodology

The Scrum framework is an agile technique for coordinating and carrying out big software development projects. It offers an orderly, iterative approach.

This lightweight, gradual, and iterative method emphasizes collaboration, transparency, and adaptability.

Regular client interaction and feedback are critical elements of the scrum approach for projects with continuously changing needs.

Key Features:

  • Cross-functional, self-organizing teams
  • Sprints (typically 2-4 weeks)
  • Daily stand-up meetings (Scrum)
  • Product backlog and Sprint backlog
  • Continuous improvement through retrospectives

Advantage: Short iteration cycles (sprints) and regular feedback enable rapid adaptation to changing requirements.

Disadvantage: A highly collaborative nature may be challenging for teams not accustomed to frequent communication and self-organization.

4. DevOps Development Methodologies

DevOps is more than simply a development process; it is also a collection of activities that support an organization’s culture. DevOps deployment focuses on organizational transformation to improve collaboration across departments responsible for various stages of the development life cycle, such as development, quality assurance, and operations.

So, if you want to create speedy, personalized e-commerce, healthcare, or banking and finance apps, the DevOps technique is the ideal option.

Advantage: Facilitates collaboration and automation across the entire software delivery lifecycle, resulting in faster and more reliable release cycles.

Disadvantage: Organizations with traditional values can have difficulty implementing this change because it requires a significant change in culture and buy-in from all stakeholders.

popular software development methodologies

5. Hybrid Methodologies

A hybrid approach combines waterfall, agile, and scrum approaches to deliver a more adaptable software development process. The goal of hybrid methodology is to make use of the benefits of many techniques while minimizing their limitations.

It enables businesses to modify their software development process to suit individual project needs successfully.

Advantage: Combining the benefits of many techniques to adjust the software development process to individual project requirements.

Disadvantage: Hybrid techniques are more difficult to manage and coordinate among teams and stakeholders.


The purpose of software development methodologies is to facilitate the planning, execution, and delivery of software projects in a structured, logical manner. Agile, Waterfall, Scrum, DevOps, and Hybrid approaches are just some of the methodologies that organizations can use, depending on their project requirements, team dynamics, and organizational culture.

Agile methodologies such as Scrum and Kanban are flexible and adaptable to changing requirements, while Waterfall methodologies are best suited to projects with well-defined and stable requirements. DevOps, on the other hand, prioritizes collaboration and automation across the software development lifecycle.

There is no one-size-fits-all technique. A hybrid method that incorporates elements of many techniques is typically the best option for adapting the software development process to the specific objectives of an organization.

Last but not least, the success of a software project depends not only on the right methodology, but also on the development of a culture of collaboration, continuous learning, and customer-centricity. By understanding the benefits and drawbacks of various methods, organizations can increase their chances of successfully completing software projects.

Author: Hemant Jani
Hemant Jani is a passionate tech enthusiast with a knack for building scalable solutions. With a focus on SaaS development, Web Development, and Mobile App Development, he has successfully completed over 40 projects, earning a reputation for delivering high-quality work. Beyond his development expertise, Hemant also enjoys sharing his insights and experiences through his writing, particularly in the areas of SaaS, web, and mobile development. As a consultant, he thrives on helping founders bring their visions to life through innovative and efficient technological solutions.

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